The Catholic concept of sacred space is carried out into the world in many different ways. In countries with traditionally Catholic populations it is common to see roadside altars dedicated to the particular saint of the region, sacralizing a space not otherwise seen as sacred. This idea is taken into Catholic homes as well, which traditionally have a crucifix, a small statue of Jesus on the cross.
Similarly, statues of Mary often adorn rooms, sometimes with small home altars and candles. All these devotions spring from the desire to carry sacred space beyond the walls of the church or monastery and out into the daily world of the believer.
In the Catholic worldview, the desire to make space holy gives way theologically to the understanding that all of space is already holy. Made by God in the beginning of time, the earth was also the scene of God's incarnation in the person of Christ, and of his death that redeemed humanity. The cosmic drama that unfolded before the creation of the world is set in a mythic space, and while the actual cosmos does not figure into the Christian drama - no sacred narrative is set on Venus or Mars, for example - Catholics uphold the belief that God created the entire universe and everything existing within it. What is more, we are told in the beginning of Genesis that as God was creating this particular earth, "he saw that it was good."
The creation that surrounds humans was created by God, appraised good by God, and further sacralized by God's physical presence as a human. For Catholics there is no nook or corner that one can find in all of creation that is not holy.
L'Ordinariat s'engage à fournir un environnement sûr et sécurisé pour tous les membres de la CAF, les partenaires, les familles, les amis(es) et les fidèles catholiques qui participent aux ministères et aux activités parrainés par l'église.
Cet engagement reflète notre désir de préserver cette église comme un sanctuaire sûr pour tous ceux qui y entrent et comme un lieu où tous les gens peuvent faire l'expérience de l'amour de Dieu à travers les relations qu'ils entretiennent les uns avec les autres.
L'Ordinariat attend des aumôniers militaires catholiques employés et travaillant dans les FAC qu'ils s'efforcent de fournir un refuge sûr à tous les membres du personnel afin qu'ils puissent résoudre toutes sortes de problèmes personnels.
Dans l'environnement du MDN et des FAC, l'individualité peut être un défi que les commandants doivent relever pour en tirer profit et le gérer efficacement.
En tant que tel, l'effet de la fourniture d'un "lieu sûr", par l'intermédiaire de nos aumôniers, peut apporter un soutien supplémentaire au commandement et aux membres, en aidant à maintenir un effectif efficace et à maximiser les résultats.
The Church is to be a safe place for all to gather. The dignity of the human person does not allow for it to be compromised.
L'Église doit être un lieu sûr où tous peuvent se réunir. La dignité de la personne humaine ne permet pas qu'elle soit compromise.
Dr Myriam Wijlens
Professor in Canon Law & member of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors
18 Feb 21
Read Full Interview
Some common understandings of spirituality are:
• Life's meaning and importance
• Values, beliefs, reflection, character, awe and ethics
• Awareness of life beyond oneself
• Connection between you, others, that which is meaningful, and God
• Reflecting on life and its connection with your soul/spirit
RAAF Chaplaincy
''offer security and dignity while interacting. These include civic spaces to engage in governance issues; public spaces to take part in community activity such as sport digital spaces to interact virtually across borders; and well-planned physical spaces for diverse youth; especially those vulnerable to marginalization or violence.''
Human Rights, UN, 10 Aug 2018
"offrent la sécurité et la dignité tout en interagissant. Il s'agit notamment d'espaces civiques permettant de s'engager dans des questions de gouvernance, d'espaces publics permettant de participer à des activités communautaires telles que le sport, d'espaces numériques permettant d'interagir virtuellement par-delà les frontières et d'espaces physiques bien conçus pour des jeunes d'origines diverses, en particulier ceux qui sont vulnérables à la marginalisation ou à la violence".
NU, droits humains
The Ordinariate is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all CAF members, partners, families, friends and catholic faithful who participate in ministries and activities sponsored by the church.
This commitment reflects our desire to preserve this church as a safe sanctuary for all who enter and as a place in which all people can experience the love of God through relationship with one another.
The Ordinariate expectation towards the Military Catholic Chaplains employed and working in CAF is this: to aim to provide a safe haven for all personnel to be able to work through all kinds of personal issues.
The DND/CAF environment, individuality can be a challenge for commanders to capitalise on and effectively manage.
As such, the affect of the provision of a 'safe place', through our chaplains, can provide supplementary support to command and members, aiding in maintaining an effective workforce and maximising results.
The catechism presents a digest of three key elements that combine to shape our understanding of the common good: respect for the human person, prioritization of collective social wellbeing and development, and the pursuit of peace.
The respect for the inherent dignity and value of the human person is not up for personal selection, choosing as one might which population, political party, class or race of people, gender or sexually oriented group one wishes to recognize. The church makes clear in Gaudium et Spes: "In our time a special obligation binds us to make ourselves the neighbor of every person without exception." (Again, emphasis mine.)
Daniel P. Horan,
NCR online
21 Jan 21
Le catéchisme présente un condensé de trois éléments clés qui se combinent pour façonner notre compréhension du bien commun : le respect de la personne humaine, la priorité accordée au bien-être et au développement social collectif, et la recherche de la paix.
Le respect de la dignité et de la valeur inhérentes à la personne humaine ne se prête pas à une sélection personnelle, en choisissant comme on peut le faire la population, le parti politique, la classe ou la race des personnes, le sexe ou le groupe à orientation sexuelle que l'on souhaite reconnaître. L'Église le précise dans Gaudium et Spes : "À notre époque, une obligation particulière nous oblige à nous faire le voisin de toute personne sans exception." (Encore une fois, c'est moi qui souligne).
The Seminar* confirmed the inviolability of the Seal of Confession, but awareness grew that there is a need for better and ongoing education of confessors with regard to e.g. distinguishing the forum internum and externum and for providing victims with information where and how to get help and healing. Such education would also affect the whole area of spiritual abuse.
*Promoting and Protecting the Dignity of Persons in Allegations of Abuse of Minors and Vulnerable Adults: Balancing Confidentiality, Transparency and Accountability.