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Military Ordinariate Provincial Council Administrative Committee 2023-2025:
Provincial Spiritual Advisor - Padre Anthony Werunga / President - Theresa Schopf
Past President - Allison Klemen / Vice - President - Teena Cyr
Secretary - Carole Matiowski / Treasurer - MaDonna Howell
Chairperson of Faith - Denise Crawford / Chairperson of Service - Laudwina Sweeney
Chairperson of Social Justice - Margot de la Gorgendière
CWL Archives - CFB Uplands Room #121 - POC: MILORD Chancellor
CFB Esquimalt (Our Lady Star of the Sea) / 19 Wing Comox (Our Lady of the Sacred Heart)
CFB Edmonton (Our Lady of Loretto) / 4 Wing Cold Lake (Holy Name)
17 Wing Winnipeg (St. Marguerite Bourgeoys) / CFB Borden (St. Joseph's)
8 Wing Trenton (Our Lady of Peace) / CFB Kingston (Holy Family)
CFB Petawawa (St. Francis of Assisi) / CFSG(O-G) Uplands (Our Lady of the Airways)
CFB Gagetown (St. Mary's) / 14 Wing Greenwood (Queen of Heaven)
12 Wing Shearwater (Our Lady of the Assumption)