The Blessing of Blessed Fr. McGivney Canada House
In 1986, Pope John Paul II released the apostolic constitution Spirituali militum curae which replaced military vicariates, wherein military chaplains were attached to a civilian diocese and its bishop, with independent military Ordinariates throughout the world. An Ordinariate is a kind of diocese that serves a particular group of the people of God rather than a territory. In this case, military Ordinariates serve the very unique pastoral needs of military personnel and their families.
At that time the first military Bishop of Canada purchased a modest residence in a quiet Ottawa suburb. It has served as the home of three successive bishops, as well as a stop-over for countless military chaplains, a meeting place, and a refuge for chaplains needing time to recover from the trials and traumas of military service. It has been a blessing to bishops and chaplains alike!
Over almost four decades it has been very well used and began to require serious attention. Landscaping, fences, roof replacement and repairs, flooring, appliances, and needed renovations were urgently required. Unfortunately, the cost was beyond the reach of the Military Ordinariate of Canada. Sadly, we had to consider selling the property and losing this valuable resource. It was at this time that I reached out to the Knights of Columbus in a last-ditch effort to obtain help.
Beyond our highest hopes the Knights came through with the needed financial assistance to properly repair the property.
It is hard to express how grateful we are to the Knights of Columbus. As a brother Knight, I felt the support and encouragement that characterizes what this organization is all about. We are particularly grateful to our Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly, who as a military veteran recognized the importance of our request and took a personal interest in our cause. In honour of this generosity and fraternal support, we have renamed the residence “Blessed Fr. McGivney Canada House.”
During this whole process, which spanned over several years, I was so edified to experience the well-deserved motto of the Knights of Columbus: “In service to One, in Service to All.”
Bishop Scott McCaig, C.C.
Military Ordinary of Canada
Juxta Crucem Cum Maria