The Ordinariate is a personal jurisdiction held by the Military Ordinary with primary jurisdiction within the territory of all military installations in Canada and wherever our military personnel are serving in the world. The Military Ordinary is a full member of the Interfaith Committee on Canadian Military Chaplaincy (ICCMC)with voting rights. This Committee acts as the sole channel of communication between the represented faiths groups of Canada and the Canadian Forces concerning chaplaincy services to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).Who we are / Qui sommes-nous :
As priests, deacons, and lay pastoral associates, we recognize that ours is a sacred calling that comes from God. Through celebration of the Sacraments and a vibrant life of prayer, we will foster an intimate and ever-deepening communion with the Risen and living Lord Jesus Christ. We confess that apart from Him we can do nothing, and seek His grace as the source of all our ministry. As ambassadors of Christ we will strive always to live lives worthy of the calling we have received, with vocational integrity, and charity towards all. As true sons and daughters of the Church we will minister with conviction, according to the maternal heart of the Church, and always faithful to the Deposit of Faith handed on to us by the Apostles.Mission :
We have the privilege of ministering to military personnel "who have need of a concrete and specific form of pastoral care. " Our responsibility extends to Catholics of all rites (Latin & Eastern), present and past serving members, their families, CAF communities, civilian employees, and foreign military personnel visiting Canada. We provide Catholic members opportunities for their integral evangelization, growth in discipleship, and their equipping for every good work that will enable them "to live their baptismal vocation and their membership in the Church to the full." We offer the Eucharist and other Sacraments, foster caring communities in military chapels, and "pour upon these people’s wounds the balm of the Word of God which alleviates suffering and instills hope." We are attentive to the formation of consciences in order to foster an authentic desire for peace and the safeguarding of the inviolable dignity of every human life. As ordained and lay ecclesial ministers, we are endorsed and given an ecclesial mandate by the Bishop, commissioned as officers by the Governor General of Canada, and mandated by the Chaplain General of the Royal Canadian Chaplaincy Services (RCChS) to serve the CAF in its mission. In doing so, we also apply our training and professional qualification as Catholic ministers to facilitate the worship of others, provide general pastoral support to anyone in need, and advance the spiritual resiliency of all CAF members.What we do / Nos activités :
Our Support Services / Nos services de soutien :
The Marriage Office handles marriage nullity cases, Privilege cases, Declaration of Freedom cases, matrimonial permissions and dispensations, testimonials, Nihil Obstats for CAF members, as well as marriage civil licenses for priests.Tribunal:
Charities and Appeal / œuvres de bienfaisance et appel :Over the years we have responded to the majority of emergencies such as earthquakes, fires, floods and most recently the ongoing conflict in Ukraine (for example we have provided funds to CNEWA's Emergency Relief in for a Soup Kitchen, Shleter and Mother and Child Centre for the Displaced and support for a Military Hospital). This is not possible without the support of our Catholic Womens League (CWL), Knights of Columbus (KoC), our community of believers across Canada and yourselves.